What is wrist tendonitis? - UWS Connected Whole Health - UWS Connected Whole Health

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Wrist tendonitis occurs when a tendon in the wrist becomes inflamed. It causes pain,
swelling, and weakness in the wrist. Tendons are fibrous connective tissues that keep
your muscles connected to the bones.

Overuse injuries are the major cause of wrist tendonitis in young athletes.

Symptoms of Wrist Tendonitis:

When you have wrist tendonitis, the inflamed tendon rubs against the bone. Pain and
stiffness – more common in the morning – are the two main symptoms of wrist
tendonitis. The pain is usually dull and tends to worsen with the movement of the wrist.

● Warmth and redness in the affected wrist
● Swelling and inflammation, which may be visible
● Reduced wrist mobility (may make it harder for you to type or text)

● “Creaking” noise when you move your wrist
● Weakness in the wrist

Injuries resulting from overuse or repetitive movement are the major causes of wrist

If you are seeking a non-surgical treatment plan for wrist pain, book a visit with the
trained sports professionals at Connected Whole Health.

✒️ Chief Editor: Dr. Bill Moreau | DC, DACBSP, FACSM | Chief Medical Officer
University of Western States