What is Sports Chiropractic? - UWS Connected Whole Health - UWS Connected Whole Health

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Sports Chiropractic is a specialized field of chiropractic medicine that focuses on treating and preventing athletic injuries and improving athletic performance!

One benefit of sports chiropractic is the ability to help athletes quickly and effectively recover from injuries when possible without medications or surgery. 

Don’t wait until you are injured to book a visit. 

Manual adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and rehabilitation exercises are performed by Sports Chiropractors to help athletes prevent future injuries and assist in their recovery and range of motion. Sports chiropractors work at all levels of professional sports, including the NFL and the United States Olympic and Paralympic teams.

Sports chiropractic can also help athletes improve their performance by optimizing the athlete’s neuromuscular systems by reducing muscle tension, improving joint mobility, and addressing nagging injuries. 

Whether you’re a pro athlete or just someone who stays active, Connected Whole Health‘s Chiropractic Sports Diplomates and Certified Chiropractic Sports Physicians are recognized worldwide. They are here to help you achieve your goals and optimal health and wellness. Come in and see us!

✒️ Chief Editor: Dr. Bill Moreau | DC, DACBSP, FACSM | Chief Medical Officer University of Western States